Tagged - Happiness!

Mel has tagged me to make a list of 6 things that make me happy, and then tag 6 others to do the same - only 6?! It shall have to do . . .

- Stargazing in August, watching the showers of meteors burn into life and fizzle out just as quickly.

- When I'm sleeping and then being unexpectedly woken by the feeling of my boyfriends arms curl around me.

- Having the room to myself, sitting in my corner, turning up my ipod and feeling the thumping music take over!

- Watching fire dance and writhe in a candle flame or bonfire.

- Walking home from work and seeing foxes and ravens, or spying an overhead heron (or, once, a badger!).

- Having fun in a group of old or new friends, and having an inward moment where I realize that these guy are as much my family as a my biological family.

Right, you are under no obligation to do this, but I hope you like it!




Janice Lynne Lundy 17 May 2009 at 09:18  

Loved reading this about you, Haley. I can just envision you walking home from work gazing at the sky, or highly attuned the natural world around you. I tend to do the same, often not watching where I am really going, I get so caught up in the beauty all around me. :-) Hugs!

laurel 17 May 2009 at 12:40  

Love your list especially the description of your walk home. I've joined in on the tag.

Anonymous 17 May 2009 at 15:33  

So you are a stargazer like me!!? I don't want to make you jealous again - but must tell you that hubby and I have booked to go on a nighttime star-gazing tour at Mount John Observatory near Lake Tekapo. It's meant to be THE best place to see the stars and I can't wait!
I also relate to morning cuddles, loud music, fire-watching and watching wildlife. Wow - I think I would love to be in your group of friends - we have so much in common!! (I noticed that on a previous post of yours too). Too bad I'm now on opposite side of planet - but thank goodness for blogging!

mel 17 May 2009 at 17:14  

Great list --- I'm starting to see many common threads in the folk I tagged...coincidence? I think not..


PS Dig the new banner too...

Haley @ Iridescent Dark 18 May 2009 at 09:46  

Jan: Lol, thanks. It's very easy to get caught up in what's around you - especially at the moment with everything blooming! Nice to know you do the same =D

Laurel: Cheers ;). I'll go over and have a look now!

Healingstones: Fellow stargazer! Well, I have to say, you've failed to not make me jealous ;P. See if you can get some pictures or something and post them so I can dream myself into them. And yes, we should live closer to eachother!!! I wish that about many fellow bloggers . . . maybe one wonderful day, lol.

Mel: You stole my rain on the window one! (Well technically its yours but I would've put it if you hadn't done so already!). And thanks about the new banner - I wanted a change=)

Pascale 20 May 2009 at 05:36  

Hi Haley,

Nice list of happiness you're having there! Thanks for tagging me! I haven't posted anything yet - but I'm working on it - so stay tuned!!

have a HAPPY week!!

Jeeves 21 May 2009 at 21:07  

Wonderful list. Almost everything I want to do.

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United Kingdom
I am a pagan, special needs teaching assistant, BA Hons Drawing graduate, artist, amateur tarot reader, half-welsh, big sister, eldest daughter, lover, volunteer, bookworm, intense dreamer, nature and animal lover, over-protective friend, ex-barmaid, fledgling activist and general eccentric. Nice to meet you =D.

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