Summer's River

Ah, bliss.

For the past couple of days all I've really done is paint. I have the place to myself because the other half has gone on holiday with his step-dad for 11 days. I also have no work for a week because the schools are closed for half term break! So, this week is BLISS.

This is my most recent painting, which I've called Summer's River. It's a photo that I took in the summer, the sun was out, the river banks abundant with lush foliage and the water laden with lichen and reflecting blue skies *sigh*. I cannot begin to tell you the amount of time and effort this painting took. It has a few flaws (like you see that bush in the water? And the patch of darkness just upper right of it? I tried so hard to get them right but it wasn't to be!). I do like the part nearer the bottom though, where I tried to paint the water. Either way, I'm happy, because I really really did try my best and worked hard at it, which is all one can do at the end of it! I hope you all like it, let me know what you think!

Here's a photo that I'd like to share with you all - I took it in a friends garden, and it had just stopped pouring with rain. This little rose was just begging to be photographed!


Debra She Who Seeks 27 May 2009 at 10:14  

The watercolour is gorgeous! And I love the dewdrops on the rosebud too. Enjoy your time of blissful solitude and artistic expression!

breathe as me 27 May 2009 at 21:17  

funny...i didn't see a single thing to criticize... i love your painting... every part of it... the water is gorgeous... so much dimension to it... i love your use of watercolor... (*so every envious here)...

mel 28 May 2009 at 04:41  

I'm with joanne...the painting looks perfect to me!! (also envious!)'s really beautiful. We are always our own harshest critics...

~much love~

PS. I'm going to interview you....I just need a few days to rustle up some questions...

mel 28 May 2009 at 07:05  

I have your interview questions ready...where would you like me to put them? I can either post them as a comment here or to an email address. If you want to do an email, leave your address as a comment on my blog and I won't publish it.


Haley @ Iridescent Dark 28 May 2009 at 13:03  

Debra: Thanks, and I am/will continue to enjoy it ;) x

Joanne: Thankyou! I am particularly proud of the water, and I wish I could overlook my criticisms! x

Mel: Cheers =D. Yeah, I guess we always are! As for the interview, I've just left my email as a comment on your blog, can't wait for the questions! x

laurel 15 June 2009 at 10:06  

Beautiful watercolor! Love your rose photo too.

Laura 15 June 2009 at 17:18  

That's a beautiful painting, I love the sky in it. It's surreal how real it looks.

Nice to meet you!

About Me

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United Kingdom
I am a pagan, special needs teaching assistant, BA Hons Drawing graduate, artist, amateur tarot reader, half-welsh, big sister, eldest daughter, lover, volunteer, bookworm, intense dreamer, nature and animal lover, over-protective friend, ex-barmaid, fledgling activist and general eccentric. Nice to meet you =D.

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