Creative Every Day 2009: Jan 19th-25th

Here's this weeks efforts, and I have to say that I have mixed feelings towards them. This week I have used pastels for the first time, watercolours, haiku (lol), and much photography!

Cleansing fire;
These grains of dross
now a string of pearls.

As stated the pastels are new to me, and I was impressed at how nonjudgemental I was towards myself when I used them - I just had fun! Sadly, I couldn't find it in me to treat myself the same way when it came to the watercolours. The one you see here is the surviving one - I ended up getting stressed and binning the other one I did the day after that, and the day after that not doing anything at all to artistically related depression, lol. I'm very happy with the photography though. My littlest brother and I went for a bike ride to our local country park, had lots of fun and fresh air, got extremely muddy, and got some nice pics in the process. The best kind of art.
I still have to remind myself to not get despondant though. It's just that after a lifetime of artyness I expect a little more from myself than the stuff I produce a lot of the time. Still, keeping my head up! Sorry I didn't post it yesterday as I said I would, downloading the images took longer than expected. I'll be more punctual this Sunday.

Take care all x


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United Kingdom
I am a pagan, special needs teaching assistant, BA Hons Drawing graduate, artist, amateur tarot reader, half-welsh, big sister, eldest daughter, lover, volunteer, bookworm, intense dreamer, nature and animal lover, over-protective friend, ex-barmaid, fledgling activist and general eccentric. Nice to meet you =D.

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